Hi, I'm Mathias-Emanuel Hartmann, and on May the 5th 2009 i'm going to atempt to hitchhik from Rambin (a small village in the north of Germany) to London Highgate Cementery, to visit the grave of Douglas Adams, with nothing but my morning coat and a (not so batterd) copy of the guide. (and of cause my trusted towel.)
Why? who knows?
On this blog i'm going to collect short episodes and pictures from my journey, whenever i'm able to find a internet connection on the way.
If you have comments, places to go, to sleep, happen to go in the same direction or are just an altogether together frood, leave a comment.
My dear fellow, you have to take at least one other book with you in order to set it free when you've read it! I suggest 'Bad Monkeys' by Matt Ruff. It's highly entertaining and the most free-set-able book I know.
AntwortenLöschenOther then that; the best of luck to you!
Dude, I live really near the cemetary and if you tell us what day you'll get there I will come and congratutlate your arrival.
AntwortenLöschenI live in the states so I'm afraid I can't help you reach your destination, but I just thought I'd drop by to wish you luck and say that I admire your intense dedication (obsession, perhaps)? Can't wait for potential updates along the way.
AntwortenLöschenBest of luck, and don't panic! :]
What a fun journey you will have! Best wishes from the Douglas Adams Continuum!
AntwortenLöschenThe Duke of Dunstable
Best of luck from an Adams fan in the states! I hope to see lots of photos :)
AntwortenLöschenMatthias, I hope you have a good journey and the weather stays fine for you. Since Douglas Adams first thought of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy whilst hitchhiking through Germany, lying drunk in a field in Innsbruck and gazing at the stars, it seems appropriate that at least one hitchhiker comes back the other way. Ideally, you should also be carrying a battered old satchel with a dog-eared copy of Godspell in it that you can pretend to be auditioning for. Either way, I'm sure ZZ9.org can tell you which pub they hang out in (there might be a choice). Adam Corres