Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2009


This is where I am right now.

Grotere kaart weergeven

This is the weather on my way here: horrible!
weather day one
which means, it can only get better.

and this is the hoopy, who gave me a lift

Tomorrow I'll try to hitch a lift to Amsterdam. I'm thinking of taking a ferry to NewCastle from there, but i'm not shure about that yet. Some people have asked me, how i intend to cross the Canal. The answer is, I dont know yet. I guess the most elegant way would be to hitch a lift on a car going over. But I'm not shure wether tickets are bought per car or per passenger. We'll see about that, when the time comes.

Three things i used my towel for today:
I protection against rain
II pillow
III to keep my lap from comming in contact with my hot dinner while sitting in a rocking chair.

now i'm off to taste Enschede's best icecream.

2 Kommentare:

  1. The Newcastle ferry leaves nightly (18:30 I think) from Eijmuden (which I've probably spelt wrong...) around 30 mins drive from Amsterdam. It's overnight and will set you back around €75 if I remember correctly. You can't just hop onto a car and hitch a ride over as you have to book a room - tickets are per person.

    It's worth calling them up and asking if they'll do you a discount. I did and they knocked 1/3 off the price.

    Failing that, head south towards the Channel Tunnel and get a lift through with someone. They charge per vehicle on there and it's quick. I also think it's per vehicle for the Calais-Dover ferry.

    Good luck!

  2. thanks a lot Mosher, good to know.
